Research Article | Volume 1 Issue 1 - 2024
Bernardo Chávez P1,2*, Luis Chicuy Godoy2, Mario Cuellar Martínez2, Mauricio Cuellar Martínez2, Rodrigo Covarrubias Ganderats2,3
1UCI, Hospital El Salvador. Santiago, Chile
2Hub de Inteligencia Artificial en Salud. Santiago, Chile; Bogotá, Colombia
3Neurocirugía, Hospital Naval. Viña del Mar, Chile
*Corresponding Author: Bernardo Chávez Plaza, ICU Service Adult, Avenida El Salvador 364, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.
June 29, 2024
DOI: 10.70012/CSMS-01-006
Clinical information systems record large amounts of data from multiple sources. This data could be used to model the process and learn how a decision-making algorithm (CDSS) was actually executed.
We have developed an open source interface that uses data from different patient repositories for the integration of large data mining in a Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) format. An interoperable solution that has emerged as a multi-layer architecture to manage critical medicine data. The layered architecture focuses on sharing processed information and making it easily available in a control panel for users of the Intensive Care Unit, improving the security and quality of medical care, meeting cybersecurity requirements and under standards. very strict ethics. The introduction of these techniques will allow health care in a more predictive way, through new algorithms.
The results demonstrate that the data mining obtained is a constant flow of highly dynamic and unstructured information; The above goes against the dogma that only EHRs are useful when making decisions. Only 4% of the data is used for this purpose and between 0.002% comes from the EHR, while even new algorithm designs will require structured data to exceed a greater percentage of all data.
We conclude that any clinical process requires a volume of structured data, robust on the basis of data mining and is not feasible with the use of background information only from the EHR, in a highly demanding unit.
Keywords: Data sources; Intensive Care Units; data mining; Artificial Intelligence; Interoperability; Electronic Health Records
Bernardo Chávez P., et al. “Data Sources for use in a Healthcare Interoperability Resources (HL7-FHIR) Platform. A Decision Guide for Clinicians and Data Scientists in Public ICUs". Clareus Scientific Medical Sciences 1.1 (2024): 35-42.
2024 Bernardo Chávez P., et al. Licensee Clareus Scientific Publications. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.