Article Processing Fee

Article Processing Fee

Article processing charges (APCs), also known as Publication fees, are charges levied on authors to cover the costs associated with publishing their research in academic journals.

Reasons to charge a publication fee:

  • Publication fees are typically charged to cover basic expenses such as editorial services, Peer-review, Proofreading, PDF designing, dedicating web hosting and indexing.

Open access policy:

  • Due to this policy articles are freely available to readers without subscription fees.
  • We provide waivers (or) discounts on publication fees for authors from low and middle income countries, students.
  • We maintain high editorial standards, peer review integrity, and ethical publishing practices regardless of the fee structure.

Article Type

Publication Fee

Research, Review, Case Study, Case Presentation, Case Report, Mini-Review, E-Book.


Short Communication, Opinion, Perspective, Editorial, Editorial Note, Letter to Editors.


For further queries / waivers. Please contact to

Article withdrawal policy:

After the article submission, due to any reasons if the author wants to withdraw the article in that situation the author should pay $150 as withdrawal fee; the only author should have the complete right to submit the article in another journal.