Clareus Scientific Journal section serves as a platform for various researchers, scholars and experts to disseminate their groundbreaking findings, theories and discoveries. Our each journal focuses on a specific field, providing a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in the scientific community.
Clareus Scientific Journal section serves as a platform for various researchers, scholars and experts to disseminate their groundbreaking findings, theories and discoveries. Our each journal focuses on a specific field, providing a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in the scientific community.
Clareus Scientific Journal section serves as a platform for various researchers, scholars and experts to disseminate their groundbreaking findings, theories and discoveries. Our each journal focuses on a specific field, providing a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in the scientific community.
Clareus Scientific Journal section serves as a platform for various researchers, scholars and experts to disseminate their groundbreaking findings, theories and discoveries. Our each journal focuses on a specific field, providing a comprehensive exploration of the latest advancements in the scientific community.
Analytical chemistry
• trace element analysis,
• materials and processes
• philosophy of science,
• chemistry education,
• chemistry curriculum,
• Teacher Education
• material development,
• science process skills,
• interdisciplinary sciences,
• education studies and sustainability,
• STEM education,
• Social Sciencess - ]Economic Environment]
• Multidisciplinary - [Science & Management]
• Business studies – [Global Development].
Abdullah Aydin is an Professor of Science/Chemistry Education at Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, Turkey. He received his Master's in Analytical Chemistry from Uluda? University in 1995. He received his Ph.D. in science / chemistry education from Gazi University in 2004. He is a member of the editorial team of 44 international journals (disciplinary and interdisciplinary). He has 11 excellence awards [Excellence in reviewing]. He has outstanding contribution award [Journal of Cleaner Prudiction - ELSEVIER]. He has committee memberships (SciTech Nanosciences 2019 & Nanotech-2021 & GECAET-22 Global Experts Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology ). He has national [Ahi Evran University, "Academic Performance Award", The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, “Broadcast award”], and international [VDGOOD Technology Factory, “Lifetime Achievement Award”] awards. He has scientific memberships ESERA, IJDS, ACSE, Turkish Chemical Society, VDGOOD Technology Factory. The focus of his research is the science / chemistry curriculum philosophy, and disciplinary and interdisciplinary.
Analytical chemistry.
Control Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science.
QICHUN ZHANG holds a PhD degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Manchester, UK. Currently he is a Professor of Inclusive AI at Buckinghamshire New University. Prior to this position, he held roles as Associate Professor at the University of Bradford, Senior Lecturer at De Montfort University and Senior Research Officer at the University of Essex. His current research interests include stochastic dynamic systems, artificial intelligence, data-driven modelling and design. He has published around 100 publications widely over the above areas. He is a Chartered Engineer and holds Senior Membership in IEEE. Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Cluster Computing, IEEE Access, etc. and is a member of the EPSRC Peer-review College.
machine learning, pattern recognition, deep learning.
Qing Tian, Professor, PhD (Doctoral) Supervisor, recipient of the Jiangsu Province Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Best Scientific Paper Award of the IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), the Youth-May-Fourth Medal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (NUIST, totally 10 teachers of NUIST won this award in this year), the advanced individual in scientific research at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). He has authored over 50 peer-reviewed scientific articles in the prestigious journals and conferences, e.g. IEEE TNNLS, TCSVT, TCYB, TIST. He was an Academic Visitor at the University of Manchester (UK, 2018-2019). Prof. Qing Tian is serving on the editorial board of several reputable journals, as well as the PC member for several prestigious international conferences, e.g. AAAI, IJCAI, CVPR, ICPR, PAKDD. He is also serving as the reviewer for top-tier journals and conferences, such as IEEE TPAMI, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TCYB, IEEE TIFS, AAAI, IJCAI, CVPR, ICDM. He is also serving as the Executive Committee Member of the Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition Special Committee of China Computer Federation (CCF), and the Machine Learning Special Committee of the Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence, as well as a Senior Member of CCF.
Ground sediment, groundwater, hydrology, geological storage,
geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering.
Dr.Mahaveer Mehta is Chairman and Medical director in his own medical Center in Dubai since may 1990. Prior to this he was Chairman of the Dept. of Dermatology at Qatar armed Forces medical unit and Chairman of Dermatology at International Hospital Bahrain. He has also worked as Faculty member in Al Fatah University, Tripoli, Libya and SMS medical college, Jaipur. Dr. Mehta is internationally well known in the field of Dermatology and Lasers. He is a pioneer in introducing Lasers to the Middle East. He is successfully practicing in Dubai since 1990.
His clean reputation is not limited to just UAE but spread across seven seas. He is one of the strongest promoters of Health Tourism in Dubai.
Dr. Mehta is a Chair and Speaker at several international dermatological and laser conferences.
Dr.Mehta Has Published about 20 research publications in international peer reviewed Dermatology Journals .
He is a member of Several Dermatology and Laser societies in the world.
Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery, Congenital heart disease, Adult Cardiovascular Surgery, Myocardial metabolism, Valvular heart disease, Myocardial ischemia, Blood viscosity, Organ transplantation, Dialysis, D-ribose.
John A. St. Cyr, MD, PhD, a retired cardiovascular surgeon, received his B.A., BS, M.S., M.D., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN. He completed his general surgical training at the University of Minnesota and completed his cardiovascular surgical fellowship training at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, CO. Dr. St.Cyr has extensive research credentials, widely published, received numerous research grants, has numerous patents and has presented at both national and international meetings. He has consulted for many medical/surgical companies. Dr. St. Cyr is a member of numerous scientific research, medical, and surgical societies.
Agirculture, Horticulture, Food and Nutrition, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Food Sanitation.
Pediatric cardiology, cardiac surgery, congenital heart disease, pulmonary hypertension, heart transplantation, heart anatomy, pulmonary artery embolism.
Graduated from the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University in 2008, certified in cardiac surgery and ultrasound diagnostics, finished PhD in Medicine in 2021.
Surgery, Dermatology, Oncology, RCTs.
I have recently graduated medicine and I have a keen interest in research and learning new things. I have done research in the past and would be a great addition to the team.
Raul Duarte Salgueiral Gomes Campilho has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2009) and a Habilitation in Mechanical Engineering, both from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal). He is an auxiliary professor of the Mechanical Engineering department of ISEP – School of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Porto (Portugal). Since 2023 he is the vice-director of CIDEM – Centre for Research & Development in Mechanical Engineering. He was the principal investigator of 1 national R&D project and participated/participates as a researcher in 6 national R&D projects, all funded through competitive calls. He also participated in 1 R&D project in collaboration with the Portuguese industry (funded through competitive calls). He is/was the (co)supervisor of 6 PhD (1 concluded and 5 ongoing) and 258 MSc thesis. His publication record contains 340 articles & reviews published in Web of Science-indexed journals and 154 book chapters. He also coedited 3 books and was the (co)author of over 400 communications that were presented in international conferences and 18 communications presented in national conferences.
Raul Duarte Salgueiral Gomes Campilho has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2009) and a Habilitation in Mechanical Engineering, both from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Portugal). He is an auxiliary professor of the Mechanical Engineering department of ISEP – School of Engineering, Polytechnic University of Porto (Portugal). Since 2023 he is the vice-director of CIDEM – Centre for Research & Development in Mechanical Engineering. He was the principal investigator of 1 national R&D project and participated/participates as a researcher in 6 national R&D projects, all funded through competitive calls. He also participated in 1 R&D project in collaboration with the Portuguese industry (funded through competitive calls). He is/was the (co)supervisor of 6 PhD (1 concluded and 5 ongoing) and 258 MSc thesis. His publication record contains 340 articles & reviews published in Web of Science-indexed journals and 154 book chapters. He also coedited 3 books and was the (co)author of over 400 communications that were presented in international conferences and 18 communications presented in national conferences.
Neurology, Neuroscience.
Dr. Mhanna is a resident doctor at department of Internal Medicine, Tishreen University Hospital, Latakia, Syrian Arab Republic. He is a member of Cancer Research Center at Tishreen University. He has published several scientific researches in many peer-reviewed journals
Cardiology, Interventional cardiology, Cardiac Imaging, Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Coronary Artery Disease, Complex PCI, Heart Failure.
I am a young researcher dedicated to the field of cardiology and interventional cardiology at Sapienza University of Rome. My primary focus is advancing knowledge in cardiovascular health and treatment. I am committed to pushing the boundaries of cardiovascular research to improve patient outcomes and innovate in cardiological practices
Human anatomy and history of medicine.
Medical Doctor 1990 (Universidad Central de Venezuela). Professor Human Anatomy Department, School of Medicine J.M. Vargas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon and Traumatologic at Centro Medico Docente La Trinidad, in Caracas,Venezuela. Member of Venezuelan Society of History of the Medicine, Member of International Society of History of Medicine and Member of International College of Surgeons Member of the Anatomical Societies in Great Britain, Germany, Russia,United States, Spain Japan, Australia, Sudafrica, New Zelande, Zimbawe, Mozambique, Namibia and Venezuela. Magister in Educational Innovations Universidad Pedagogica Experimental Libertador, Caracas, Venezuela.
Automation, Control Systems, Electric Drive, Thermoelectricity
Dr. Andrew Bukaros is an Associate Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Missile and Artillery Weapons Systems (EEMAWS) at Odesa Military Academy, Odesa, Ukraine. He has completed his Ph.D, topic on “Asynchronous Electric Drive of Hermetic Compressors for Small Refrigeration Units” in electrical engineering from Odesa National Polytechnic University, Odesa, Ukraine. He has more than 20 years' experience in industry, academic, and research. His areas of interest are Automation, Control Systems, Electric Drive and Thermoelectricity. He has published various patents, 50+ research papers in reputed journals (UGC/Scopus/WoS) as well as published 10+ books in international and Ukrainian publications.
Internal medicine and neurology.
Experienced General practitioner with 3years of experience in patient diagnostics, family medicine, surgical and non-surgical treatments, and emergency care. Possesses DHA eligibility, MRCP UK Part One certification, Sudan Medical Specialization Board Part One qualification, Basic Life Support (BLS) certification, and a Diploma of Pharmacology. I have demonstrated expertise in conducting research, with a track record of publications in reputable journals and presentations at conferences.
Periodontal Medicine, regeneration, bone growth, Antibiotics and NSAIDS, Melatonin, soft tissue growth, microbiology, biostatistics.
Philosophy, Science, Technology, Research method innovation, Planetary Engineering.
Fidel Gutiérrez Vivanco is the Vice President of the World Philosophy Forum with degrees as a Doctor of Philosophy, a Master's in Epistemology graduate from the National University of San Marcos, and a Bachelor's in Medical Technology graduate from the National University Federico Villarreal in Lima, Peru. He was awarded the International Gusi Peace Prize in Philosophy and Science in the city of Manila in 2012.
He is the author of the Princonser method, an innovation in the fields of philosophy, science, and technology. Furthermore, he has authored the following publications:
• "Man and His Spirit," published in Lima, Peru, in the year 2000.
• "Philosophy of Conservation," published in Lima, Peru, in the year 2000.
• "The Principle of Success," published in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in the year 2005.
• Author of the chapter "Philosophy of Conservation and Bioethics" in the book "Bioethics, Volume II," edited by the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia, published in Spain in 2005.
• "Philosophy of Destruction," published in Lima, Peru, in the year 2007.
• "The Princonser Method and the Human Dimension," published in Madrid, Spain, in the year 2014.
• "Being a Father, Teacher, and Philosopher," published in Lima, Peru, in the year 2022.
• "The University Confronting the World's Problems," published in Lima, Peru, in the year 2022.
He has participated as a speaker in the World Philosophy Congress across the world including Istanbul, Turkey in 2003; Athens, Greece in 2013; Warsaw, Poland in 2016; Lima, Peru in 2018; and Beijing, China in 2018. He has also taken part in the World Philosophy Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2019 and 2022, as well as in Coahuila, Mexico in 2021.
Additionally, he has been a postgraduate teacher at various universities and is the author of a new educational methodology based on universal wisdom. He has also innovated the research method and its application in the humanities.
In the year 2020, he founded the Princonser School of Philosophy to disseminate a new approach to philosophy as a response to the challenges of the modern era. Through this school, he promotes innovation in the philosophical foundations of education, politics, and science, to contribute to the formation of planetary consciousness and universal wisdom through education, which is necessary for the integration and preservation of humanity.
In 2023, he founded the University Princonser to address global issues through education with a new vision for the 21st century. In the same year, he created the digital magazine "Philosophy, Science, and Method – Path to Universal Wisdom," where articles prepared by teachers applying the Princonser methodology are published.
Polymer Composite
Ganjar Pramudi is a distinguished lecturer in the Manufacturing Engineering Technology program. With a profound expertise in polymer composites, Ganjar Pramudi has conducted extensive research that has significantly contributed to advancements in this field. Their work focuses on developing innovative composite materials that enhance the performance and sustainability of manufacturing processes. Ganjar Pramudi's research interests include the synthesis and characterization of polymer composites, the exploration of their mechanical properties, and their applications in various industries. They have published numerous papers in reputable journals and have presented their findings at national and international conferences. In addition to their research, Ganjar Pramudi is dedicated to the development of green environments by creating polymer composites from waste materials. This innovative approach not only addresses waste management issues but also promotes sustainable manufacturing practices. Ganjar Pramudi is also committed to educating the next generation of engineers, bringing real-world applications and cutting-edge research into the classroom. Their dedication to academic excellence and innovation makes them a valuable asset to the Manufacturing Engineering Technology program.
Forensic Pathology, Forensic anthropology, Medicolegal Identification – Disaster Victim Identification.
Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid, Energy Management Systems, Battery Management Systems, Smart Grids, Renewable Energy, Power System Stability, FACTS Controllers.
Diksha Jain is a research scholar at MNIT Jaipur, focusing on the stability of hybrid AC-DC Microgrid. She earned her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, with a strong publication record including journal articles and conference proceedings. Diksha has a gold medal in M.Tech (Power Systems) from YMCA Faridabad and a B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from M.B.M Engineering College, Jodhpur. She has served as an Assistant Professor and contributed to various research projects. Her technical expertise includes MATLAB, Simulink, PSCAD, and ETAP, with interests in energy management systems, smart grids, and renewable energy. Diksha is a professional IEEE member and an editorial member of the World Journal of Engineering Research, actively reviewing for several international journals. Her background and dedication make her a valuable candidate for an editor role in scholarly journals.
Oral imaging, CBCT, TMD, orthodontics.
Dr. Wang is a well-known researcher and dental practitioner associated to multiple universities and research facilities. He has over 10 publications in multiple international journals and active in multiple research project in the field of oral imaging, CBCT, TMD and orthodontics.
I have degree of medicine and completed in 2009. On September 2014, i completed my Master of Science Degree (MSc) in physiology at Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM). Then, December 2017, i completed my PhD in Molecular Imaging at centre for Diagnostic Nuclear Imaging, Universiti Putra Malaysia. Now I am working as lecturer and just completed my research that funded by international grant and also local grant. I have publish my full paper,case report,review paper,and proceeding paper in about more than 28 paper. I have been an editorial board in my university for 4 years and also as reviewer in international and national journal.
MIS, Technology acceptance, Emerging technologies in Business, Management.
Nasser A. Saif Almuraqab, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor
in Management, and IEEE member, also VP Operations at University of Dubai. His
doctorate is in business administration from Dubai Business School, University
of Dubai (UD). His thesis focused on smart government services adoption. He earned
his MBA from Abu-Dhabi University (ADU) and a bachelor’s degree in management
information systems from UAE University (UAEU). He published research papers in
international journals, and conferences. In addition, he delivered keynote
speeches at international events. And he served as reviewer in several
international conferences, journals and worked as an editorial board in
international journal such as PLO ONE. Dr. Nasser has extensive IT management
experience since he was working in Etihad airways, Rochester Institute of
Technology RIT-Dubai, and joined UD as a director of IT. Dr. Nasser is a judge
at Shikha Latifa Award, and a judge member on Ministry of Education Excellence
Competition. His research interests include and not limited to technology
adoption, smart cities, emerging technologies and business, and management.
Post-Welding Simulation, Welding Simulation, Fatigue Improvement
Mechanical Engineer from Technological University of Panama. With a master and PhD from Osaka University on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. Its research area is focuses on simulation on fabrication processes such as Welding, High Frequency Mechanical Impact (HFMI) and Fatigue Improvement by using Finite Element Method (FEM).
Oncology, Immunology, Personalized medicine, Targeted Therapy.
A highly motivated and experienced medical professional with a strong background in research, education, and clinical practice. Expertise in conducting systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and cross-sectional studies, particularly in the field of cancer research. Proven ability to develop and deliver educational workshops and seminars, train and mentor students and colleagues, and translate medical projects from English to Arabic. Possesses a strong commitment to evidence-based medicine and public health initiatives.
- The reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture
- The health impact of air pollution
- Pollution by chemical pollutants and their impact on health
I am a sanitary engineer with expertise since 2009, specializing in various health risk assessments. My work includes evaluating the human health risks of consuming mercury-contaminated food, assessing the health risks of using treated wastewater in agriculture, and utilizing biomarkers for health and environmental monitoring. Additionally, I have focused on identifying trace elements of sanitary interest and environmental pollution hazards in contaminated sites in Tunisia
My research interests encompass Residue and water Analysis, Green Chemistry, Chemical synthesis, Circular economy, and various Analytical techniques.
Mr. Imwene Kennedy Omukada is an early career researcher in the Analytical Chemistry Group at the University of Nairobi and a Senior Analytical Chemist at Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) in Kenya. Having earned both MSc and BSc in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Nairobi, Kenya in 2023 and 2019 respectively, he is currently undertaking a Doctoral research position at the same University of Nairobi in collaboration with the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Kenya. His research focuses on the application of Analytical Chemistry, a rapidly emerging field that addresses chemical related issues through the currently emerging technologies. Besides his interest in research, Mr. Imwene is actively involved in conferences, seminars, workshops and in outreach activities. His aims are to promote Analytical Chemistry in Africa to raise awareness on research integrity, particularly among young African Scientists and to promote science education among boys and girls in secondary schools.
Space optics for remote sensinbg, Meteporology, Climatolgy, Astronomy & deep space instrumetation
Senior Space Optics system architect with 50 years of professional experience. 30 years as Head Optolectronics at the European Space Agency. Before was post-doc at UKAEA, University of Oxford, Italian Nuclear Research Center, Max Planck Institute
Applied Psychology, Medical Education, Counselling and Psychotherapy.;
Network Security, Cryptography, Blockchain, Healthcare
Mr. Shraiyash Pandey is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree (Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Trusted Systems) at the prestigious Purdue University in the United States of America. Remarkably, at the age of 21, he is already a featured scholar in a Q2-ranked Springer journal (Journal of Wireless Networks, IF: 3.0). Shraiyash has several noteworthy publications in the fields of cybersecurity and cryptography. Additionally, he serves various other journals as a Board Member including PriMera Scientific Engineering Journal. His passion is shown through his various achievements in both academia and professional working industry. Obtaining the Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate, CompTIA Security+, and JP Morgan & Chase Co. Cybersecurity Certificate are just a few other renowned achievements of his. Additionally, apart from various certificates and awards, Mr. Shraiyash Pandey has also presented his research at esteemed IEEE and Springer conferences worldwide including ICCIDA-2023, ICETAI-2023, CISES-2023, ICAIIHI-2023, and ISBCOM-2024. Moreover, he has authored over 2 book chapters in different Springer published books including Low Power Architectures, and Advances in Technological Innovations in Higher Education. His pursuit of knowledge is not only evident in his publications but also in his hands-on approach to innovation with the development of several interactive projects available online for use, including CryptStego, a web application that couples steganographic algorithms and cryptographic algorithms to result utmost security. He drives innovation in both his research and professional work to make the digital world a more secure place.
Biomedical Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI for healthcare.
Shresth Gupta is a distinguished professional in the field of Biomedical Signal Processing and Machine Learning, with a robust academic background and notable contributions to both research and industry. Having completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Surrey, United Kingdom in the Department of Mathematics and Data Science, funded by UKRI Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs), Shresth holds a PhD from IIIT Naya Raipur in Biomedical Signal Processing and Machine Learning, awarded in November 2023. His educational journey includes a Master’s in Technology and Bachelor of Engineering from Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh in 2015 and 2011, respectively. Shresth's expertise extends to serving as a technical consultant for a startup under sparsh fellowship in IIT Madras research park specializing in wearable devices for health monitoring, where he guided interns in development projects. His research prowess is evident through numerous publications in esteemed peer-reviewed journals, including IEEE Transactions, and presentations at top-tier international conferences in Hong Kong and Scotland. Shresth has secured a granted patent in his domain and has contributed chapters to various books. Shresth's research interests encompass Biomedical Signal Processing, Machine Learning for healthcare applications, deep learning, and feature engineering. His comprehensive skill set and dedication to advancing healthcare technologies make him an asset in both academic and industrial settings. Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Petroleum and Energy Studies India
Bioinformatics, agri informatics
Dr Raju Bhukya is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the National Institute of technology, Telangana.India. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 2006 from KL University and later pursued a Master's degree (M-Tech) specializing in Computer science & Engineering from Andhra University Vishakapatnam. He has shown a strong commitment to advancing his expertise through professional training and self-study, earning several international certifications. In addition to his academic pursuits, Dr Raju Bhukya has contributed significantly to research and publication. He has authored over 50 research papers presented at various renowned International Journals .
Nonlinear control, Multilevel AC/DC Converters, Grid-Connected Systems and Renewable Energy also Microgrid Hybrid AC/DC.
Amine El Boudali received his master’s degree in data processing from the Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco, in 2019. Currently, he is preparing for her Ph.D. in Control Systems Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control at Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco.
Data Mining , Machine Learning , Deep Learning , Computer Vision, Data Security
Dr.Darshanaben Dipakkumar Pandya is currently working as Associate Professor Department of Computer Science , shri C.J Patel College of Computer Studies , Sankalchand Patel University , Visnagar, Dist:- Mahesana, State :-Gujarat. She did his Ph.D. in data mining and data analytics. She has Completed Ph.D. in Computer Science from Madhav University, Abu Road, Sirohi, and Rajasthan, India in year 2019. She has published 70 research papers in reputed international journals and conferences including IEEE and Springer, Scopus, also having 07 books in his credit. She has published 16 Indian , U.K, Australian and Canadian international patents in artificial intelligence and machine learning.
She attended number of conferences / workshops. She published research paper in IEEE and Springer sponsored international Conferences, she has Received 1st prize in Oral paper Presentation and best research paper award as first position received in Malasiya from “Mahsa International Technology and Engineering conference 2023 in Malasiya. She has Received certificate of appreciation award on 12th August , 2023 , Research day for publishing maximum research papers in the academic year 2022-23, in recognition for valuable contribution to academic research from sankalchand patel university, visnagar. She has Received BEST RESEARCHER AWARD in 2023 from knowledge research academy , combatore , Tamil Nadu in international award ceremony on star achievers in higher educational institutions [SAHEI 2023] through online mode.
She is selected as Ph.D Guide supervisor guideship from the Sankalchand patel university , visnagar since 2022 . She obtained best research paper award from sankalchand patel university ,visnagar in Nootan Udaan 2023. She has 17 years of teaching experience as Assistant Professor. She is Reviewer and Editor in various reputed international journals. She performed her duty as Research External evaluator(PH.D) guide in many universities. Also members of BOS (Board of Study) in many university of Gujarat as well as out of Gujarat.
Energy Management Systems, Battery Management Systems, Smart Grids, Renewable Energy, Power System Stability, Electric vehicles, Power system, System modelling and optimization, Application of AI in Power System
Mr. Ankit Garg graduated from Govt. Engineering College, KOTA, India in 2015. He received honours in Electrical Engineering. He received an M.Tech. Degree in Power System Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad (IIT Dhanbad) in 2019 with 9.25 CGPA. Currently He is pursuing a Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur, India. He has also served as a senior design Engineer in L&T Construction. His technical expertise includes GAMS, Python, MATLAB, Simulink, PSCAD, and ETAP, with interests in energy management systems, smart grids and renewable energy. Previously, I had served as a Vice Chair of IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society MNIT Student Branch Chapter. Currently I am working as a Vice-Chair of IEEE Student Branch and IEEE PES Society MNIT Jaipur. His research interests include Energy Management of Energy Hub, Electric vehicles, Power system, System modelling and optimization. His background and dedication make him a valuable candidate for an editor role in scholarly journals. He has received student travel award in STPEC-2023, held at KIIT Bhubaneswar. He contributed to the body of knowledge by publishing several research papers in international conferences. He is currently a Member, of IEEE and He is also a Member of Various socities like as IEEE Young Professional, IEEE Biometrics Council, IEEE-AESS and IEEE Transportation Electrification Council
Networking, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, IoT, AIML
Mr. Pashupati Baniya is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the School of Engineering and Technology, IEC College of Engineering and Technology in Greater Noida, India. He obtained his Bachelor's degree (B.Sc) in Computer Science and Information Technology in 2019 from Tribhuvan University and later pursued a Master's degree (M-Tech) specializing in Networking and Cybersecurity from Sharda University, Knowledge Park-3, Greater Noida, India. He has shown a strong commitment to advancing his expertise through professional training and self-study, earning several international certifications, including CCNA, RHCSA, Ethical Hacker, Google IT Support Professional Certificate, Cybersecurity Essentials, etc. In addition to his academic pursuits, Mr. Baniya has contributed significantly to research and publication. He has authored over 8 research papers presented at various renowned International Conferences and contributed more than 2 book chapters to publications by IGI Global and CRC Press. He is also a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking and has served as a reviewer for many national and international conferences, including AIBThings 2024, ICETAI 2024, ICTDSC 2023, and an International Conference at Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, India. Prior to his current role, Mr. Baniya gained substantial experience as a Hardware and Network Maintenance Technician at institutions such as Ramauli Computer Institute, Hi-Light Institute of Technology, and MicroChip, located in Butwal, Nepal. He is also an active member of IEEE, which further enriches his professional network and engagement within the field.
Dr Maryam Mohamed Ibrhim El Mansy is a Researcher and lecturer in Orthodontic and Pediatric dentistry department, National Research Centre. She obtained her Bachelor's degree (BSc) in Oral and Dental Medicine, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, 2004 and her graduation grade was Excellent with Honor. She pursued her Master degree in Pedodontics from Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, in 2013. She pursued her PhD degree in Medical applications of Lasers, Dental Laser Applications branch from National Institute Of Laser Enhanced Sciences, Cairo University in 2020.She has a great working experience in research in the National research centre since 2006 and a clinical experience in the field of pediatric dentistry by working since 2006 as a
Pedodontist in Dr. Mohamad El Dash clinic (Ark Dental Center). She gained her academic experience by working in MUST University as a lecturer in Laser applications in dentistry department, Faculty of Dentistry, MUST University from 2020 till now. She published more than 8 research articles, about 10 research articles are still under the submission procedure. She attended more than 25 conferences and workshops related to the dental field.
Payment Security, Blockchain, AIML, Cloud Transformation
With over 17 years of extensive experience in the software development life cycle, he has honed his skills in Payment gateway security, transaction authentication and authorization, Ethereum-based Distributed Ledger transformation for Blockchain platforms, requirement analysis, Smart Contract development, testing, CI/CD, and ongoing support, primarily within client-server, cloud API, and distributed enterprise applications. He also holds the position of Associate Editor on the panel of prestige journal, PriMera Scientific Engineering. His career has been marked by a commitment to delivering high-quality solutions for leading financial institutions, including BNY Mellon, Bank of America, Northern Trust, Barclays, Citibank, and JP Morgan. Additionally, he has presented his research work in globally held conferences and holds several publications in prestigious libraries of Springer, IEEE, Elsevier.
Software Engineering, Computer Vision, mHealth, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI
Mr. Naseef is a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Oracle, with over 10 years of experience in software engineering. He holds both a Bachelor’s and master's in computer science from New Mexico Tech, where he built expertise in advanced software systems. Naseef has held senior positions at leading organizations, including HP Inc, Magdalena Ridge Observatory, ringID, Kona Software Lab Limited, and Eyeball Networks. In these roles, he contributed to projects focused on cloud infrastructure, video conferencing, and enterprise software.
He has authored 20 research publications and holds a defensive patent, highlighting his contributions to the field. His research and innovations have focused on cloud computing, distributed systems, and AI-based video conferencing.
Currently, at Oracle, he works on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, leveraging his extensive experience to drive software innovation. Passionate about solving complex problems and advancing software technologies, Naseef continues to make impactful contributions in his field.
Cognitive Computing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning
Dr. Shanu Sharma is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad (Affiliated with A.K.T University, Lucknow). She has a PhD from Amity University Uttar Pradesh and an M.Tech specializing in Intelligent Systems from IIIT Allahabad. She has 13+ years of teaching and research experience and taught various courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels such as Image Processing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Structures, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, and Compiler Design. Her research areas include Cognitive Computing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Machine Learning. She has published 40+ research papers in renowned Conferences and Journals and is currently associated with various reputed International Conferences and journals as a Reviewer. She has edited various special issues in Scopus-indexed journals published by IGI Global, and Bentham Science. She has edited five books with renowned publishers such as Springer, IGI, CRC Press, and River Publishers. She is a senior member of IEEE and also an active member of other professional societies like ACM, Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS), EUSFLAT, and IAENG
Computer Vision, Food Computing, Generative AI, Social Network Analysis
Mr. Sandeep Khanna is a Research Scholar in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, India. He obtained his Bachelor's degree (B.E.) in Computer Science and Engineering in 2010 from Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, India and later obtained a Master's degree (M.E.) specializing in Software Engineering from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, India in 2013. Currently he is pursuing his Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur India.
He has shown a strong commitment to advancing his expertise through professional training and self-study, earning several international certifications on Artificial Intelligence (AI), from NVIDIA DEEP LEARNING INSTITUTE. Some of them includes “Building Conversational AI Applications”, “Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection”, Applications of AI for Predictive Maintenance” and many more. He has been a recipient of many scholarship awards some of them are “Research Week with Google, 2022”, Student scholarship at “ACML, 2022”, “ARCS, 2024”.
In addition to his academic pursuits, Mr. Khanna has contributed significantly to research and publication. He has authored over 8 research papers presented at various renowned International Conferences and Journals. Additionally, he has filed two patents which were published. He is also a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Social System and IET Image Processing Journal and has served as a reviewer for many national and international conferences. Prior to his current role, Mr. Khanna gained substantial experience as an Assistant Professor and Trainer in academic institutes of India. He is also an active member of ACM, MUST Research Club, which further enriches his professional network and engagement within the field.
AI, Bigdata, Smartcity, Edutech
Dr. Seong-Hwan, Ju is the General Manager of the Seoul Digital Foundation (SDF) in Seoul, South Korea. SDF is a public organisation under the Seoul Metropolitan Government that researches digital policy, develops services based on digital technologies such as AI and big data, and works to bridge the digital divide. He is in charge of research and business at SDF. He received his PhD in Business Administration from Hanyang University in 2017 and is currently pursuing his PhD in AI Engineering at Seoul National University of Science and Technology(SeoulTech). He has authored more than 14 research papers, including papers presented at several prestigious conferences, and presented a paper in the field of AI at the 43rd International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2024). He has also contributed to digital policy in South Korea, serving as a member of the Smart City Committee in Gangnam-gu and Gangseo-gu, two local governments in South Korea, and as a policy expert as a member of the Fortune Korea Advisory Board and the Korea Productivity Center(KPC) Advisory Board, and has authored two policy reports that contributed to the South Korean government's digital policy. His research interests include AI, Bigdata, Smartcity, and Edutech, and he has extensive experience and networking with companies, public institutions, and universities in these fields.
Harmonic Analysis, Morrey type spaces, variable exponent, singular integrals, pseudo differential operators, maximal function, Riesz Potential, Mathematical Analysis, Mathematics Education.
Ferit GÜRBÜZ received his BSc (Maths), MSc (Maths) and PhD (Maths) degrees from Ankara University, Ankara, Türkiye in 2008, 2011 and 2015, respectively. He is still working as a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at K?rklareli University (Türkiye). His areas of interest are Harmonic Analysis, Morrey type spaces, Lebesgue type spaces, Besov-Triebel-Lizorkin type spaces, Herz type spaces, p-adic Lorentz spaces, Dirichlet type space, Tent type space, Wiener Amalgam type spaces, variable exponent, singular integrals, pseudo differential operators, maximal function, Riesz Potential, oscillation and variation operators, intrinsic square function, rough kernel, Marcinkiewicz integrals, p-adic fractional Hausdorff operator, Carleson embedding etc. He has served many journals and books as an editor and referee. He has also written many articles and book chapters with a single name.
Embedded Systems, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning, Climate-Smart Agriculture, Smart Campus, and Smart City Technologies
Ms. Apple Rose B. Alce is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Applications Department of the College of Computer Studies at Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT) in the Philippines, where she has been a dedicated faculty member since 2020. She also serves as Special Assistant for Institutional Planning and Development within the Office of Institutional Planning and Development Services under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Initiatives (OVCSI), a role she has held since 2022.
Ms. Alce holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Computer Technology with a specialization in Embedded Systems (2017) and a Master’s degree in Computer Applications (2020), both from MSU-IIT in Mindanao, Philippines. Her expertise encompasses Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Systems, Automation, Monitoring, Machine Learning, Climate-Smart Agriculture, and Smart Campus and Smart City initiatives.
From 2022 to 2024, Ms. Alce led several internally funded research and extension projects, underscoring her commitment to innovative agricultural and environmental sustainability solutions. Her research contributions have been showcased at prominent international conferences, including the International Conference on Education, Environment, and Agriculture (ICEEA); the Seventh Information Systems International Conference (ISICO 2023) in Bali, Indonesia; and the 3rd and 4th International Conference on Novel & Intelligent Digital Systems (NIDS 2023, NIDS 2024), held in hybrid formats and Athens, Greece.
Internet of Things, Software Engineering, Digital Transition, New Teaching Methods, Educational Institutions Management.
I received a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and a Master’s degree in Control, Industrial Computing, Signal, and Systems from Cadi Ayyad University. Currently, I am a second-year PhD student at the Laboratory of Physics, High Energy, and Astrophysics, Faculty of Science Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University. My research focuses on Integrating Internet of Things Technology into Educational Institution Management. Additionally, I serve as a Teacher with an Association, providing support to primary students affected by limited access to learning during the coronavirus crisis.
Biochemistry, Biomarkers, Thermogenesis, miRNA, ERAD, Diabetes, Cellular Stress and Apoptosis, Biostatistics
Double M.Sc. Degrees in both Medical Biochemistry and Biostatistics &Medical Information. Ph.D. in Medical Biochemistry, 3rd-year undergraduate student in Management Info Systems
Oncology, Hepatology, Gastroenterology
I have completed my medicine from RUDN University moscow in 2024 with honours excellency diploma (. ith more than 14+ scientific publications. Attended 20+ scientific conferences as a speaker and listener.
Science Education, Environmental Education, Chemistry, Life Sciences.
Prof. Dr. A?k?n K?RAZ
Graduated from Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, Department of Chemistry Teaching (German). She completed her master's degree at Ankara University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Chemistry. In the same year, she started to work as a lecturer at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Education, Department of Primary Education, Science Education Department. She received training in the fields of Pre-School Science Education, Primary Education Science Education, Environmental Education, both at home and abroad. She completed her doctorate in the same University, in the Institute of Science, Department of Chemistry. In September 2008, she started to work as a lecturer in the Department of Educational Sciences at the Atatürk Faculty of Education at Near East University. She still gives lectures at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels with the title of Prof. Dr. and carries out the Department of Science Education and Environmental Education. She has undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses she has directed, articles published in international and national journals, papers presented at scientific meetings and projects she is working on.
Information Technology, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Remote Sensing, Satellite Image Processing
Mr. Ans Ibrahim Mahameed AlQassab is a faculty member and senior lecturer in the Department of Mathematics at the College of Education for pure sciences in Tikrit University, Iraq. He obtained his Bachelor's degree (B.Sc) in Computer Science in 2008 from Mosul University/ Iraq. And later pursued a Master's degree (M-Tech) specializing in Information Technology from Saint Petersburg State University, Russia. He has shown a strong commitment to advancing his expertise through professional training and self-study, earning several international certifications, including TOEFL ITP, TOEFL IBT (Level B2), Remote Sensing Solution Developer (RSSD) Certificate, Remote Sensing Professional (RSP) Certificate, Remote Sensing Specialist (RSS) Certificate from BRS Lab of Remote Sensing. Web design diploma from (Shaw academy) institute for IT, Geographic Information System (GIS) Certificate from ESRI company, Remote Sensing & Satellite Image Processing with EOS Platform from Geo University, USA, Certificate of teaching methods from the University of Duhok and the University of Basra, etc. In addition to his academic pursuits, Mr. Ans has contributed significantly to research and publication. He has authored over 10 research papers presented at various renowned International Conferences and contributed 1 book chapters to publications by SpringerLink, Scopus and Clarivate journals. He is also a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing and has served as a reviewer for many national and international conferences, including ICONEST 2024, IICESAT 2024, and an International Conference at Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, Iraq. Prior to his current role, Mr.Ans gained substantial experience as Information Technology Technician at institutions such as British-French institute of Computer, Languages and Translation, located in Baghdad. And also, Database designer and administrator (DBA) in CGT Institute for training and developing, located in Duhok, Iraq, and Lecturer at governmental and private universities such as Gihan University – Duhok, Kurdistan region of Iraq, Tikrit University, University of AL-Iraqia, University of Basrah, located in Basrah, Iraq. He is also an active member of Department of Remote Sensing, Natural Resources Research Center, which further enriches his professional network and engagement within the field
Rapid Manufacturing, Failure Analysis, Biomedical Engineering, Laser Sintering, Industrial Engineering
Recently, Dr. Way Yusoff was named Adjunct Research Advisor at the Nan Yang Academy of Science. Singapore. He serves on the editorial board for Int. Journal of Computer-Assisted Engineering and Technology (Scopus), Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Development Advancements (SCOPUS), PLUS ONE (SCOPUS), Int. Journal of Forensic Engineering (IET, United Kingdom) and Chair of publication for conferences organized by EUROSIS (The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology, Belgium) (SCOPUS). He has been designated as an accreditation assessor by the MQA, and MBOT where he is tasked with supervising and managing the quality assurance methods and certification of national higher education.
Energy recovery from municipal solid waste, with a focus on techno-economic analysis of anaerobic digestion and gasification hybrid systems.
Recycling and recovery of carbon fibers
Synthesis and applications of bio-based and eco-friendly nanomaterials for medical and biomedical applications.
Development and optimization of polymer processing techniques for sustainable materials.
Application of thermodynamic and sensitivity analyses in industrial processes.
Mr. Paul Njeni Mabalane is a passionate Lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa. He holds a Master of Engineering (MEng) in Chemical Engineering from the same university, with a dissertation focused on the "Techno-Economic Analysis of Anaerobic Digestion and Gasification Hybrid Systems for Energy Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste." He also holds an NQF Level 4 New Venture Creation certificate and a range of additional certificates in teaching, leadership, and innovation.
With over a decade of professional experience, Mr. Mabalane has worked in various capacities, including Process Engineer at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and Process Controller at the Madibeng Local Municipality. His research interests include waste-to-energy systems, nanomaterials for medical applications, and sustainable engineering processes.
1. Mabalane, P.N., 2018. A techno-economic analysis of anaerobic digestion and gasification hybrid systems: Energy recovery from municipal solid waste in South Africa.
2. Sadiku, E.R., Agboola, O., Ibrahim, I.D., et al., 2019. Synthesis of Bio-Based and Eco-Friendly Nanomaterials for Medical and Biomedical Applications. In Green Biopolymers and Their Nanocomposites (pp. 283-312). Springer, Singapore.
3. Mabalane, P.N., Oboirien, B.O., Sadiku, E.R., Masukume, M., 2019. A techno-economic analysis of anaerobic digestion and gasification hybrid systems. Waste and Biomass Valorization, Springer.
4. Mabalane, P.N., Molnar, K., Khalifa, Y., et al., 2024. Eco-friendly recovery of pure and long carbon fibers from aged epoxy matrix composites by H2O2 as an oxidant. Journal of Materials Cycles and Waste Management.
5. Mabalane, P.N., Molnar, K., Masukume, M., Mazibuko, T., and Khoathane, C., 2024. Recovery of carbon fibers from aged epoxy matrix composites using H2O2 as an oxidant: A Thermodynamic and Techno-Economic Analysis. Journal of Engineering.
6. Mabalane, P.N., Molnar, K., Khoathane, C., 2024. Structural integrity of hybrid panels of recycled and virgin carbon fiber for the automotive sector. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering.
Software Engineering, Requirementes Engineering, Digital Marketing
Jorge Esparteiro Garcia is an Adjunct Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC), where he teaches since 2005/2006. He is Director and full member of the ADiT-Lab (Applied Digital Transformation Laboratory) Research Unit at IPVC. Affiliated Researcher at INESC TEC in the area of Software Engineering since 2015. He holds a PhD in Computer Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto with a thesis entitled "Requirements Change Management based on Web Usage Mining". He holds a master's degree in Computer Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) and a degree in Computer Science from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto (FCUP). He has over 50 publications in books, book chapters, journals and proceedings of international and national conferences, and has supervised over 30 master students. He is Coordinator of the Postgraduate Degree in Digital Marketing and E-Business and Coordinator of the CTeSP in Digital Marketing and E-commerce. His research interests are in the areas of software engineering, web usage mining and digital marketing and content marketing.
Joining and soldering, Metallurgy, Coating
Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Siti Rabiatull Aisha Idris has been a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP), since 2012. She earned her Bachelor's (2007), Master's (2008), and Doctoral (2012) degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. She specializes in materials engineering, focusing on metallurgy, intermetallic compounds, advanced materials joining (including soldering, brazing, and laser soldering), electronic packaging, and coating technologies. She has an extensive publication record in international academic journals and has received several awards, including merit awards for journal publications and the CITREx award for product development. In addition to her academic and research endeavors, she is actively involved in university programs and community outreach events aimed at promoting learning and supporting the community. She is also a member of professional bodies such as the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) and the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM).
• Machine Learning
• Deep Learning
• Data Analytics
• Data Mining
• Pattern Recognition
• Predictive Modeling
• Cybersecurity
• Blockchain
• AI Applications in Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies
Dr. A-Asadi holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Selcuk University, Turkey, where he also completed his M.Sc. in the same field. Engineering Technologies at the University of Mashreq, Baghdad, Iraq. His academic journey began with a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq, in 2008. Throughout his educational career, Dr. A-Asadi has developed expertise in machine learning, deep learning, data analytics, data mining, algorithms, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling.
In his current role at the University of Mashreq, Dr. A-Asadi leads the Department of Scientific Affairs, overseeing various initiatives in research and development. He is also responsible for teaching advanced courses in Information Systems and Cybersecurity Engineering, where he combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications to equip students with the skills needed for the rapidly evolving technological landscape. Before joining the University of Mashreq, he served as an Assistant Professor at Ashur University in Iraq, where he taught courses in Digital Logic and Industrial Workshops. He has also contributed to the academic environment at KTO Karatay University in Turkey, delivering lectures on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Computer Organization.
Dr. A-Asadi’s academic expertise is further complemented by his extensive industry experience. He worked as a Senior Engineer at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Iraq for over a decade, from 2011 to 2023. In this role, he collaborated with senior developers on significant design projects, gaining valuable practical insights into the application of engineering solutions in real-world scenarios. This experience enhances his ability to bridge the gap between academic theory and industry practice, which he effectively brings into his teaching and research.
In addition to his teaching and industry roles, Dr. A-Asadi is a prolific researcher with numerous contributions to the fields of machine learning, deep learning, and cybersecurity. He has authored over 20 research papers published in prestigious international journals and conferences, covering topics such as predictive modeling, data analytics, and artificial intelligence applications. His work has been featured in top-tier journals like IEEE Access and Selcuk University Journal of Engineering Sciences, among others. Dr. A-Asadi has also contributed chapters to books published by notable publishers such as Springer and IGI Global.
As an active member of the academic community, Dr. A-Asadi serves as a reviewer for leading journals and international conferences, including IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. He has reviewed over 200 manuscripts and has served as an editor and session chair for numerous conferences. His editorial responsibilities extend to providing quality reviews and ensuring the high standard of research publications in his field. Furthermore, Dr. A-Asadi has been recognized with the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK) for his contributions to thesis publications.
Dr. A-Asadi is passionate about advancing the fields of AI and cybersecurity and is dedicated to mentoring the next generation of engineers and researchers. His research interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Pattern Recognition, Blockchain, and AI applications in various industries.
Infertility, High risk Obstetrics, gynecology
Dr. Parth Khandhedia is a dedicated medical professional specializing in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility. Currently a resident at CPS Mumbai, he has extensive experience as a medical officer at the Government of Gujarat and as an independent reviewer for leading medical journals, including Cureus Journal of Medical Science and Elsevier publications.
Dr. Parth earned his MBBS from Prestigious Gujarat Cancer Society Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Ahmedabad followed by a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology and a professional specialization in Diabetes Management. His research contributions include studies on diabetes diagnostics, urinary incontinence, and rare medical cases, many of which have been presented internationally and published in reputed journals.
A recipient of multiple accolades, including top regional rankings in academic examinations, he has also actively participated in and organized conferences and workshops to advance medical education. Beyond medicine, Dr. Parth is passionate about traveling, reading, and engaging in community initiatives.
Bioinformatics, ML,AI, health information system
Dr.Esraa Mamdouh Hashem received a BSc from MUST university, in 2007 and received MSc and Ph.D. degrees from the Systems and Biomedical Engineering Department, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 2012 and 2017. She is an Assistant professor in the Biomedical Engineering Department, MUST. Her research interests: Biomedical, Bioinformatics, Machine learning, Health information systems ,and Biomaterials. Along with her career, she was a technical reviewer for several international journals, A senior member of IEEE organization since 2017.
Green synthesis of nanoparticles, photocatalysis, antimicrobial studies, Electrochemical studies and solar cells
Dr. Karthiga Rajendaran is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Cardamom Planter’s Association College, Bodinayakanur, Tamilnadu, India. she obtained his Bachelor's degree (B.Sc) in chemistry in 2003 from Madras University and later pursued a Master's degree (M.Sc),from Annamalai University India. She has shown a strong commitment towards nanotechnology research advancing her expertise through professional training and self-study, earning several international certifications, including various international conferences throughout India. In addition to her academic pursuits, Dr. Karthiga Rajendaran has contributed significantly to research and publication. He has authored over 22 research papers publication under scopes and Elsevier journals and more than 3 book chapters to publications by springer. She is also a reviewer for Environmental Science and Pollution Research, IIP series and has served as a resource’s person and chairperson for many national and international conferences, including International conference on polymer for advance Technology, Second International conference on Advance polymeric Materials, International conference on Nanostructured Polymeric Materials and Polymer and Nanocomposites and International conference on environment and energy.
Business Management, and Financial Management
Dr. Reepu is currently associated with Chandigarh University, India, where she contributes significantly to academia and research. She holds an MBA in Finance and a PhD in Finance, reflecting her strong academic background. With over a decade of extensive academic and research experience, she has made notable contributions to both local and international research organizations. Dr. Reepu has presented her work at esteemed conferences in India and abroad. Her core areas of expertise include Behavioral Finance, Business Management, and Financial Management. Passionate about teaching and research, she strives to inspire students and foster innovation in her field.
Power Electronics, IoT and Renewable energy
15 years of Academic and 4 years of industrial experience, successfully contributing to curriculum development/delivery and electrical systems maintenance. Driven to contribute to program outcomes by facilitating engagement and supporting learning objectives. Enthusiastic professional with background in academic advisement. Innovative Assistant Professor bringing proven success in implementing technology-based curriculum delivery and assessment tools. Passionate about fostering academic development and success for every student. Inspiring Professor brings advanced teaching skills and department leadership experience. Goal-oriented to advance department, improve teaching and modernize courses. Extensive background in research and university fundraising. Mr S Srinivasan Contributed significantly to research and publication. He has authored over 13 Scopus Indexed research papers presented at various renowned International Conferences and journals, contributed 1 book chapters to publications by IGI Global
Computer Networks and Communication, Nanonetworks, Bio-inspired Communication, Diffusion Based Netorks, Cloud Computing, IoT.
Dr. Athraa Juhi Jani is a distinguished researcher and faculty member specializing in computer networks, molecular communication, and bio-inspired nanonetwork systems. She holds a Ph.D. in Computer Networks and Communication from the University of Liverpool. With extensive academic experience as a lecturer at Al-Nahrain University and Al-Mustansiriyah University, Dr. Juhi has guided undergraduate and postgraduate students in various computer science disciplines, including programming, data structures, and research methodologies. Her research contributions span multiple publications in internationally recognized conferences and journals, focusing on molecular communication models and innovative bio-informatics systems. She is actively engaged in educational development and administrative roles, contributing to e-learning, technology incubation, and IT unit management.
Structural Dynamics, Acoustics, Vibration and Noise Control, Finite Element Method, Boundary Element Method, Fibre Reinforced and Functionally Graded Composite Structures
Dr. Atanu Sahu is presently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of National Institute of Technology Silchar, India (NIT Silchar). Prior to that, he has also served other academic institutes and worked in industries for more than three years. He has obtained his PhD degree in 2017 from Jadavpur university, Kolkata in the field of Vibro-acoustics and Noise Control. He has also worked as a Guest Scientist at the Institute of Composite Structures and Adaptive Systems of German Aerospace Centre (DLR-Braunschweig) in Germany. Dr. Sahu has published his scientific works in different reputed journals, conferences and also as book chapters. He has organized various international workshops and conferences at NIT Silchar. He has various prestigious awards in his credits, such as, University Gold Medal awarded by Jadavpur University (Kolkat, India), DAAD Fellowship, CSIR (Govt. of India) Senior Research Fellowship, etc. He is an active member of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV) and Institution of Engineers (IEI, India). His research interests are in the field of Vibration and acoustics and its control, Numerical methods involving FEM and BEM, Composite structures. More details can be found from his institutional website “”.
synergy, machine reliability, fractal synthesis, chaos theory
Mr. Grabar Ivan - Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Mechanical engineer
Speciality: mechanical engineering technology – 1971 - 1976
Graduated from the National Aviation University, Department of Aircraft Design and Strength. Candidate of Technical Sciences since 1983.
PhD thesis "Investigation of nonlinear phenomena of fatigue damage accumulation in aluminium material D16ATV"
He completed his doctoral studies at the Baikov Institute of Metallurgy (Moscow). Laboratory of Strength of Metal Materials. Supervisor - Professor Ivanova V.S. Doctor of Technical Sciences since 1993.
Doctoral dissertation "Thermal activation analysis and synergetics of fracture of CCC and HCC metals in the problems of rotor life forecasting".
Professor since 1995.
Author of 20 scientific monographs, 30 textbooks, 50 patents. He has published more than 200 scientific articles.
He developed a methodology for accelerated determination of the service life of parts and assemblies at the design stage. The accuracy of the service life forecast (by the logarithm of the time to failure) is not worse than 0.96.
He created the Laboratory for Accelerated Bench Testing of Full-Scale Structures in the field of complex temperature and force loading.
Developed a synergistic model of fracture of solids.
He developed the theory and algorithms for the synthesis of multifractals of any complexity by the methods of Brownian dynamics of a point in a field of N gravitational forces.
He developed an engineering theory for the design and manufacture of ultra-sensitive percolation-fractal strain gauges.
Mechanical, Materials, and Processes
Mr. Brahim BEN FATHALLAH is Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at National Engineers School of Tunis (ENIT) to University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia. He is part of the Mechanical, Materials, and Processes Laboratory (LR99ES05) at ENSIT University of Tunis. He obtained his Bachelor's degree (B.Sc) in Mechanical engineering in 1986 from Tunis University ENSET, a Master's degree (M-Tech) specializing in Mechanical, Materials, and Processes in 1995, Agrégation degrees in Mechanical engineering in 1996 from Tunis University ESST Tunis and later pursued a PhD in 2012 and an HDR (French: “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” or English: “Accreditation to Supervise Research”) in 2018 at National Engineers School of Tunis (ENIT) to University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia. His expertise lies in mechanical engineering and materials science, particularly for materials like steel, cobalt, nickel, titanium alloys, ceramics, and composites. His research focuses on the effects of machining and nitriding process parameters ... on the microgemetrical characteristics, microstructural and metallurgical properties and mechanical characteristics as well as their impact on the surface and fatigue integrities, machining, and wear testing. These studies incorporating artificial intelligence (ANN, SVM, and statistical methods...) for modeling analysis results, optimizing process parameters, and finite element modeling to study thermomechanical processes. Additionally, he is working on projects related to advanced manufacturing techniques, emphasizing AI's role in Metal Additive Manufacturing and aerospace production. Mr. Brahim BEN FATHALLAH has contributed significantly to research and publication and has served as a reviewer for many national and international conferences and Journal.
Programming, Networking, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber security.
Ms. Gudise Tanusha is an Associate Engineer at Airbus Private India Limited, Bangalore, with a background in Computer Science Engineering. She earned her Bachelor of Technology degree from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. With a strong foundation in programming, she expertise spans multiple languages, including Python, Java, C/C++, C#, JavaScript, ReactJS, and NodeJS, along with a specialization in cybersecurity and cryptography.
Beyond software engineering, she is passionate about research in machine learning, OpenCV, deep learning, and image classification. Her dedication to innovation led her to co-author the research article "Enabling Cursor Movement Through Eyeball Movement Using Hidden Markov Model", in collaboration with Ms. Pothugunta Havirbhavi. Her work explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction, contributing to advancements in assistive technologies.
Ms. Gudise Tanusha continues to explore emerging technologies, striving to bridge the gap between research and real-world applications.
Mathematical Biology.
I am an Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale) and Head of the Department of Mathematics at K.L.S. College, a constituent unit under Magadh University in Bihar,India. Born on July 28, 1979. My academic journey began with a strong foundation in mathematics, culminating in a Ph.D. in mathematical sciences from Jadavpur University in 2013. My doctoral research focused on "Mathematical Modeling on the Dynamics of HIV/AIDS incorporating Control Theoretic Concepts and Studies on Relevant Aspects of the Model Dynamics," supervised by Prof. (Dr.) Priti Kumar Roy. With over seven years of teaching experience at K.L.S. College, I have instructed a wide range of mathematics courses, including differential equations, real analysis, algebra, integral transforms, and numerical analysis. My expertise extends to research, focusing on mathematical biology, particularly in modeling infectious diseases. I am an active researcher with numerous publications in international journals. My research explores the dynamics of various diseases, including HIV/AIDS, COVID-19, HCV, measles, and dengue, often employing optimal control theory and fractional-order models. I serve on the editorial boards of the International Journal of
Differential Equations and Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Beyond research and teaching, I am involved in academic administration, serving as the IQAC Coordinator, Vocational Department Coordinator, and Deputy Proctor at K.L.S. College. I am a resource person for faculty induction programs, lecturing on research proposal writing and methodology. I am also a frequent speaker at conferences and workshops. I am a member of several professional organizations, including the Bio-Mathematical Society of India, the Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and the Asian Council of Science Editors and reviewers for numerous international journals, contributing to the advancement of knowledge.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Renewable Energy, Power quality, and Optimization Techniques.
Prashant Kumar received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Hooghly Engineering and Technology College, Hooghly, India, in 2009, and the M.Tech. degree in power systems from SRM University, Kattankulathur, India, in 2013. He completed Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Sardar Vallabhbai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India in 2023. His research area includes applications of machine learning, power quality, and the design of custom power devices.
• Professor with 20 years of teaching experience in engineering college for B.Tech. including 15 years for M.Tech. Presently working as Professor & M.Tech. Coordinator in Dept. of CSE in Arya College of Engg. &IT, Jaipur.
• Ph.D. in Computer Science & Engineering, M.TECH. in Computer Science & Engineering with First Division and B.E. in Information Technology with First Division.
• Four Hundred Eight International papers, 11 chapters in edited book IIP series and 46 National papers published in international journals, conferences and national conferences.
• Published one book in IIP series as Editor with Unique Editor Id “IIPER1678374416” for the edited book series titled “Futuristic Trends in Computing Technologies and Data Sciences” with Series Code IIPV3EBS11_G33.(vol 3 book 4,IIP Series, E-ISBN: 978-93-6252-133-0)
• Received grants sanctioned from DST for Three R& D students projects under my guidance in 2014-15.
• 6 IPRs Submitted
• IIC Innovation Ambassador by MoE.
• NITTT Mentor (ID : 20211N000009124)
• Recognized as Research Supervisor for Ph.D. at RTU research centre in ACEIT, Jaipur from 2024-25 session by Research board and VC, Rajasthan Technical University.
10. Guided & Guiding students for M.Tech. Thesis and projects.
Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
Holding a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, a Master's in Data Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, and currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence, my academic and professional journey is deeply rooted in this field. I have had the opportunity to lead ambitious research projects, including the publication of a scientific article on the early detection of liver fibrosis using artificial intelligence, presented at the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Additionally, I have worked on automated character extraction from identity card images and optical branching points at SONATEL, one of the largest telecommunications companies in Africa.
Optimization, Inventory Model
Dr. Govind Shay Sharma is Associate Professor, Department of Sciences (Mathematics) of Vivekananda Global University. He has PhD in Operations research (Mathematics) from Pacific University, Udaipur. He has a 7years experience of teaching and research. He has published about 17+ research papers in reputed Journals (Scopus indexing) &also published one books in the area of mathematics.
Sustainable Finance, Impact Investments, ESG, Sustainability, Circular Economy.
Sameera Fernandes serves as the General Manager at SEE & G Advisory, where she drives transformative strategies by steering companies globally towards their net zero journey. She is also the Chairwoman of the Dubai Stockbrokers and Investment Services Business Group (DSIG) under the Dubai Chambers and an Advisory Board Member at Century Financial, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping strategic financial innovations and advancing ESG practices.
Recognized for her trailblazing contributions to the finance industry, Sameera was honored with the Woman in Finance Legacy Award 2025. A committed academic, she is a Research Scholar pursuing a doctorate in Global Leadership Competencies, with a focus on developing inclusive and forward-thinking global leadership frameworks.
Sameera’s impressive career spans leadership roles at globally recognized organizations such as Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Jet Airways, Gulf News, Al Fahim Group, Al Ghurair Investments, and Century Financial, enriching her with a diverse and strategic global perspective.
Her distinguished professional affiliations include being a Board Advisor for the European Board Room Advisors, a member of the Institute of Directors (IoD), Women Board of Directors (WBD), and the Lead Member of IWS Arabia, where she actively contributes to leadership development, governance excellence, and women's empowerment in business.
Sameera’s academic achievements include prestigious certifications such as the CFA in ESG Investing, completion of the Oxford University Leading Sustainable Corporations program, and a specialization in Capital Markets from CISI—solidifying her reputation as a leader in responsible finance and ESG integration.
An accomplished author, Sameera has written three books—Price of Truth, Educating the Next, and Who Decides Who Belongs?—and contributed over 50 features with Friday Magazine - Gulf News and a regular contributor to the op-ed columns of various newspapers covering leadership, sustainability, and ESG.
Beyond finance and writing, Sameera is a talented pianist with a qualification from Trinity College London and an acclaimed visual artist, with her works showcased at prestigious platforms such as World Art Dubai and aboard the Queen Elizabeth.
As a Visiting Professor at renowned universities worldwide, Sameera inspires future leaders through her expertise in sustainable finance, leadership, and global governance. With her visionary leadership, dedication to ESG practices, and commitment to fostering responsible and inclusive financial ecosystems, Sameera Fernandes continues to be a transformative force in the global business landscape.
Artificial Intelligence, Agriculture
Dr. A. Athiraja, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Cyber Security), Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Ph.D. in Machine Learning, Anna University, Chennai. Dr. Athiraja has authored multiple research articles in renowned journals and conferences, including IEEE, Springer, and Elsevier, focusing on Machine Learning, Cyber Security, and Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning, Deep Learning), Natural Language Processing, Graph Neural Networks.
Bharti Khemani is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science & Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning) Department at A. P. Shah Institute of Technology, Thane. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at Symbiosis International University, Pune. With a strong academic background, including an M.E. in Computer Engineering and an MMS in Finance, she has extensive experience in teaching programming languages, machine learning, and data science.
Her research focuses on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and graph neural networks, particularly in detecting health misinformation. She has authored multiple publications in reputed Scopus and SCI journals and has been recognized with prestigious awards, including the ACM India Anveshan Setu Scholarship.
Bharti has also been a reviewer for several high-impact journals and mentored students in national competitions like the Smart India Hackathon. Passionate about technological advancements, she actively contributes to AI and NLP research, aiming to develop innovative solutions for real-world challenges.
My area of interest is Water Resources Management, Irrigation. My research area is Canal Automation. Contributed in Sardar Sarovar Narmada Nigam Limited,
Government of Gujarat, India for design of structures, Automation, etc.
Served in field for 41 years of experience in field as well as Academic. Currently working on development of model for multiple canal pool in Simulink of MATLABbased on simulation outcomes.
Software Fault Prediction, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Smart Systems, IoT
With over 22 years of experience in research, administration, software development, teaching, training, and education, I hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science, along with an MBA, MCA, and a Master’s in Computer Science. My expertise lies in program coordination, leadership, decision-making, and continuous learning. I have been granted patents for innovative designs, including a Deep Learning Hybrid Model for Software Fault Prediction and a Productivity Measuring Bottle for Employees. My contributions include authoring a book on C programming, delivering a plenary talk on AI, ML, and DL at an international conference, and securing four registered copyrights. I have attended over 50 national and international workshops and published more than 20 research papers in reputed journals and conferences. My research profiles are available on Scopus and Google Scholar.
Mathematical Modeling, Special Functions, Fractional Calculus, Epidemiology, Integral Transform
Dr. Shyamsunder is an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department at SRM University Delhi-NCR, Sonepat, India. His research focuses on mathematical modeling of epidemic diseases using ordinary and fractional differential equations. He earned his Ph.D. from Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, under the supervision of Dr. Sanjay Bhattar, with a dissertation on fractional calculus and epidemiology.
With 30 publications in reputed journals such as Chaos Solitons Fractals, International Journal of Biomathematics, MMAS, AMSE, and Scientific Reports, he has significant expertise in incomplete special functions, mathematical epidemiology, and computational techniques using MATLAB, Mathematica, and Maple.
Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Fruit Processing, Academic Leadership, Emerging Technologies
Dr. Purushottam Bung, B.E. (E&C), PDMS (University of Melbourne, Australia), MBA (Monash University, Australia), Ph.D in Management (Karnataka University)
Professor and Director, R V Institute of Management, Bengaluru: 560 041, Karnataka
Interest Area: Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Yoga.
Dr. Purushottam Bung is an engineer with a rich experience of around 29 plus years in Academia and industry (domestic and international). He completed PGDM from University of Melbourne, Australia (Now also known as Melbourne Business School - one of the top 10 B-schools in the world then) and MBA from Monash University, ranked 42nd globally (recent QS global university rankings -2024). He is on the expert/advisory/editorial panel of many Institutions, Universities, NGOs and journals. He has presented and published 28 plus research articles in national and international refereed journals. Dr.Bung was conferred “Best Academic Leader of the year” by BMA (Bangalore Management Association) during 65th Anniversary Award -2022. He is member of many Associations and Institutional bodies. He was elected the Fellow of World Academy of Productivity Sciences at Beijing, China in 2019. He is also a research fellow of Institute of Productivity, UK. Dr. Bung is offering management consultancy services to local Businesses, Institutions and entrepreneurs as well. He has undertaken several funded research projects in various domains. He has completed several MOOCs and Certification programs in the area of Design Thinking, Leadership, Negotiation, future of learning and so on as part of continuous learning endeavor.
Dr. Bung has been training professionals on Building Entrepreneurial Skills; Design Thinking; Leadership skills; and Yoga. He is a qualified YOGA Instructor and Yoga Teacher and Evaluator certified by YOGA Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH, GOI.
Currently he is working as Professor and Director at R V Institute of Management, a prestigious stand-alone Autonomous Institution of excellence at Bangalore which is part of prestigious RV group of Institutions.
Cyber Security: Specializing in Network Traffic Classification, anomaly detection, and intrusion detection systems to enhance digital security. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Leveraging AI models for cyber defense, content recommendation systems, and social network analysis. Data Science & Big Data Analytics: Applying predictive analytics and pattern recognition to improve decision-making in various domains. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs): Developing graph-based models for social media analysis, particularly on Instagram, to enhance content recommendations.Software Engineering & AI-driven Automation: Exploring AI-driven methodologies to optimize software development processes and improve security. Her interdisciplinary expertise bridges AI and Cyber Security, making significant contributions to safeguarding digital networks.
Dr. Namita Parati, a dynamic educator and researcher with over 16 years of experience in teaching and educational development. Based in Hyderabad, she currently serves as a tenured professor at MVSR Engineering College. With a PhD in Computer Science focusing on Cyber Security, Namita's expertise lies in Artificial Intelligence and its applications in safeguarding digital networks. Her journey began in Amravati, Maharashtra, where she pursued her undergraduate studies in Computer Science and Engineering before delving into a Master's degree with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence. Her passion for research led her to earn a Doctorate from Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, where she contributed significantly to the field of Cyber Security with her work on Network Traffic Classification. As an educator, Namita has an extensive repertoire of subjects under her belt, ranging from Data Science to Software Engineering and Artificial Neural Networks. Her commitment to enhancing student learning extends beyond the classroom, as she actively participates in workshops, conferences, and international seminars. Namita's research prowess is evident from her 40 publications in reputable journals and
conferences out of which 14 are Scopus Indexed with 121 Google Scholar Citations and H index of 9, along with holding three patents and copyrights. She has been recognized for her contributions with prestigious awards like the INSC Young Researcher Award in 2022. In addition to her academic achievements, Namita is an active member of professional bodies such as CSI(Life Member),ISTE(Fellow Member), IETE, ISoc, and IEEE. She thrives on sharing her knowledge and expertise, making her a sought-after resource person in various educational and professional settings.Driven by her passion for organizing international conferences and seminars, Namita continues to inspire and empower the next generation of computer scientists and cyber security experts.
Marketing Psychology, Design Business Education, Travel, Consumer Behavior
Ms. Gargi Datta, Assistant Professor – Fashion Business Management, Indian Institute of Art and Design, New Delhi. She has submitted PhD in marketing from Thapar University, India. She is a graduate in hospitality and hotel administration with an MBA in marketing and possesses more than a decade of experience in hotels, tourism, and academia. Religious travel is her primary area of interest.
ORCID ID - 0000-0002-8616-5177
LLM, Natural Language Processing, AIML
Mr. Zhuoer Xu is a master's graduate student in the Department of Statistics at Rice University. He obtained his Bachelor's degree (B.Sc) in Computing and Information Science in 2021 from Shenzhen University and later pursued a Master's degree specializing in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing from Rice University. Currently, he is a veteran software engineer working at Amazon Web Service Inc, focusing on large-scale distributed system and Large Language Model tools development. In addition, Mr. Zhuoer Xu has contributed significantly to research and publication. He has authored over 17 research papers presented at various renowned International Conferences and won the best presentation awards and best paper awards.
Computer Vision, ML, DL
I was a Computer Vision student researcher at CEVI, KLE Tech, where I worked on 2D segmentation, 3D reconstruction, image-to-text multimodal models, NeRFs, and point clouds. Currently, I’m an independent researcher specializing in computational photography, with a focus on shallow depth of field.
Dynamical Systems, Population Dynamics, Bifurcation Analysis, Center Manifold Analysis.
Master of Science from National University Jaipur (Gold Medalist), PhD from Indian Institute of technology Jodhpur, Thesis title: Dynamics of Homographic Ricker-like Maps, Received Degree on 26 October, 2024.
Having 20 years experience with 40+ publications, 6 Books, 7 patents, 1project.
Familiar with the construction and production operation of aluminum smelting and melting casting. Mainly engaged in research on the industrial chain, technology, and policies.
Hong Li, born in 1982, holds a Master’s degree in Nonferrous Metallurgy from Northeastern University, China. Since 2008, he has been engaged in research and technological advancements in aluminum electrolysis production.
Throughout his career, he has worked with leading Chinese state-owned enterprises and international companies, specializing in production optimization and process improvement. He has been invited multiple times to provide technical guidance at renowned aluminum producers such as VEDANTA, HINDALCO, BALCO, and RENUKOOT in India, where he played a key role in enhancing production systems and improving operational efficiency, earning widespread recognition.
In addition to his industrial contributions, Hong Li has actively shared his expertise through publications and conference presentations, including at The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) and other international and domestic platforms. His research and insights continue to drive progress in the aluminum industry, making significant contributions to its development.
Image processing, Computer Vision, Database, Data Mining, Image fusion, and AI.
Dr. Nada Jassim Habib, a university professor affiliated with the Middle Technical University. I obtained a PhD in Computer Science. My current academic title is Assistant Professor and my job title is Associate Professor. My research focuses on image processing and computer vision, with a special interest in the field of artificial intelligence. I have published several research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and I regularly participate in international and local conferences. I have reviewed many scientific papers and studies in Q1 and Q2 journals, such as the Journal “Information Fusion”. Currently, I am working on merging medical images of different models using deep learning
Automated vehicles, traffic flow theories, car following models, driver behaviour, macroscopic and microscopic analysis through simulation analysis
A research scholar, curious about the science behind sports, Music, and things of art grab my interest, grateful for this life
Polymer Nanocomposites and Thermal Spray Coatings.
Mr. T.Pramod has completed his Master of Science (Engineering) by Research in Mechanical Engineering in 2018 and obtained his Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering in 2011 from Visvesvaraya Technological University. Currently, he is pursuing Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering from Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Tamil Nadu and was working as Quality Engineer at Laboratory for Electro Optics Systems (LEOS-ISRO), Bangalore, India. He has around 10 Years of experience in Research and Development in Polymer Nanocomposites and Thermal Spray Coatings. His areas of interest includes Metrology and Optics Inspection, Development of Intumescent Fire Retardant Nano Composites, Development of Advanced Materials for Wear & Silt Erosion Coatings, Materials Characterization, Mechanical Testing, Tribology, Residual Stress Measurements & Analysis, Failure Analysis of Plant Components etc. He has overall 19 publications in the National/International Conferences and Journals to his credit and inventor of 2 patents. He was also the Technical Committee Member of “All India Seminar on Residual Stress and Advanced NDE Techniques for Structural Integrity Assessment: Key Challenges & Remedies” and “National Conference on Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace and Defense”.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital image processing, Data Analytics.
Dr. Geetha A is an Associate Professor of, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Presidency University, Bengaluru. She holds a Ph.D from Veltech Technical University, with a focus on Medical Image Analysis. Her research area interest includes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital image processing, Data Analytics. She has published many papers in International and National journals in leading Computer Science Journals and secured more than 10 Patents. She has experienced in handling PG Projects with the specialization of Deep Learning and Neural networks.
Dr. Geetha is dedicated to bridging the gap between academic research and practical application, striving to inform policy and foster community engagement through her work. Her contributions to this book reflect her expertise in understanding and addressing the complexities of real-world needs. Her work aims to bridge theoretical concepts with real-world applications, offering valuable insights to both researchers and practitioners in the field of Computer engineering.
My research interests encompass the integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in civil engineering applications, enhancing construction planning and infrastructure management. I also explore the impact of wind on construction, assessing risk under varying environmental conditions. Climate change is another key area of interest, particularly its effects on infrastructure resilience and sustainable engineering solutions.
I hold a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with a focus on Construction Management and a Master's degree in Geotechnical Engineering. Currently, I serve as an Assistant Professor in the Department of CMCE at New York City College of Technology. Previously, I worked as a Project Manager, leading redevelopment projects for the LaGuardia Airport program.
Software engineering, advanced information system, agile development, system modeling, IoT, AI development.
A teacher in Department of computer science (Dr), a reviewer in a journals, a member of organized committee and reviewer in conferences, organizer of many workshops.
Spatial Planning, Urban Planning, Urban Economics, Development Economics, Infrastructure Assessment, Environmental Assessment, Transportation
I am an Engineer of Urban Planning and Regional Development 2014. I have attended 3 postgraduate Msc courses (1. European Regional Development 2014, University of Thessaly 2. Environmental Design 2020, Hellenic Open University 3. Project management, transportation and spatial planning 2024, University of Thessaly).
Fluid Flow through Porous Media, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Analytical and Approximate Methods, and Mathematical Modeling.
Nagesh Sahu is a full-time Senior Research Fellow at Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT), Surat, India—an Institute of National Importance under the Government of India. His research focuses on fluid dynamics, porous media, and the development of numerical and semi-analytical methods for solving complex differential equations. Specializing in partial and nonlinear partial differential equations, he employs advanced mathematical techniques to address both fundamental and applied challenges. His work aims to enhance the theoretical and computational understanding of fluid flow and transport phenomena in porous media.